Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Better Technology Means Better Education - 834 Words

Better Technology Means Better Education In recent years computers have opened many new opportunities for students and teachers. Technology has advanced past books and black boards. There are more and more computers going into schools everyday. With the world changing into a computer world teaching how do to use technology is necessary. With the new tools that teachers use learning for students is not only more interesting but, more fun. The Internet has helped education leaps and bounds. With the Internet we are able to take classes online from hundreds of miles away while still feeling like you are in the classroom. Distance learning is very accessible in this day and age. With the distance learning older people who have to†¦show more content†¦From K-12 there is something that can be expressed and or learned. GIS is only one of the many educational programs out there that make education fun. By using the new technology teachers are able to express there lesson plans in new and innovative ways. The Internet has vastly improved education. All of the information you would ever want to know is on the Internet. Research is not only easier but it is better. By searching the web one may find numbers of different pages with the information that you are looking for. You can find sources and articles that would be impossible to find without. Without the Internet all of the research one could gather would be what ever was in the library. Now you can access many libraries in the United States by just a click of a button. All of the books in the world on your finger tips. When I was at the University of Toledo I used Ohio Link [2] to get a book for a research paper. Without the use of the Internet the only way to get that book would be to buy it. The Internet also provides email. Email is very helpful for educational reasons. It is a great way to get a hold of a professor or a fellow classmate. Sometimes it is impossible to go and talk to your teacher but with email you ca n stay in touch without trying hard at all. The Internet has improved the quality of our education forever. Technology has improved in the form of communication for learning also. Now there are college classes that one may takeShow MoreRelatedBenefits of Wireless Devices in the High School Classroom Essay951 Words   |  4 Pagesthe vast majority of high schools across the Nation, and the use of this technology is necessary for not only the high school student’s success in college, but is also needed for the betterment of America’s current economic and unemployment issues. America is not turning out highly educated individuals as in the past, and it is hurting the Nation as a whole. 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