Monday, May 18, 2020

The Importance Of Safety For The People Of Your Wonderful...

Dear Council, We appreciate the opportunity to provide safety for the people of your wonderful town. Identity theft is a very serious matter and ruins millions of lives every year. Identity theft in its most basic form is the wrongful acquisition of a person’s private identifying records generally for financial purposes. There are many ways for these criminals to get ahold of one’s personal records and we wish your citizens to be prepared for them all. Some of these schemes may include technological methods and some may not. Though there are more schemes that include obtaining personal information through technology, people should also be aware of how to properly dispose of their records, such as bills or medical information. In order to help avoid any unwanted situation, you must first completely understand the situation. Identity theft, as previously stated is when a criminal gets ahold of someone’s personal information and generally uses it to get into their b ank accounts and steal money. Some of them get into your accounts and steal your money because they are drug or alcohol addicts and need a way to feed their addiction. However, there are many other reasons for why a criminal would want to get into your personal records and accounts. Sometimes, people can use identity theft for some sort of sick and twisted revenge method. For example, one man was upset at his ex-girlfriend and so he hacked into their personal information, stole photos of her and her daughter,Show MoreRelatedInspiring in the Article, Woman in Combat Zone by Leslie Marmon810 Words   |  4 Pagescontinuing on. Some might think because she was ready to defend herself she was ready to start the fight, but honestly she was ready to end one. With her gun on her lap she sat there and waited for the stranger in the truck to make his move. 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